Industry News

  • The production and processing of metal stamping parts requires many technological processes. If there is a slight carelessness in the operation process, it can easily cause undesirable phenomena such as cracking and tearing of the metal stamping parts, affecting the normal use of the product. The following is an analysis of the causes and prevention methods of cracking of metal stamping parts.


  • The working principle of CNC hardware processing can generally control the machine tool according to numerical sequential instructions to achieve automatic spindle start/stop, reversing, and speed change. It can automatically control the feed speed, direction, and processing route for processing. Able to select tools and adjust the cutting amount and walking path according to the tool size, and can complete various auxiliary actions required in processing.


  • The aluminum alloy die casting is a kind of pressure casting parts. It uses the mechanical die-casting machine equipped with the casting mould to pour the aluminum alloy heated into the liquid into the feeding port of the die-casting machine, and then through the die-casting machine to cast the aluminum alloy parts with the shape and size limited by the mould. Such parts are usually called aluminum alloy die casting.


  • When it comes to the processing technology of stainless steel parts, there are mainly two kinds of processing technology: drilling and boring. Today, Xiaobian will introduce these two processing technologies to you.


  • In the machining manufacturing industry, the machining accuracy usually affects the quality of the production and machining parts to a great extent, and CNC precision parts machining itself is a kind of high-standard production and processing means, which can achieve better than traditional production and processing methods. There are many advantages that other production and processing methods do not have, so what are the advantages of CNC precision parts processing? Next, I will give you a concise and detailed introduction:


  • Precision machining is a process of changing the overall dimension or performance of a workpiece with a processing machine. According to the temperature state of the workpiece to be processed, it can be divided into cold processing and hot processing. It is generally processed at normal temperature without causing chemical or physical phase changes of the workpiece, which is called cold processing. Generally, processing above or below normal temperature will cause chemical or physical phase changes of the workpiece, which is called hot processing. According to the difference of processing methods, cold machining can be divided into cutting and pressure machining. Hot processing commonly includes heat treatment, calcination, casting and welding.
